
Empowered Learners Designing Sustainable Solutions - Deep Integration of the UN SDGs

Ian Fairhurst & Sue Floro

The Empathy+STEAM approach guides students to be active, creative producers of digital and technological solutions, rather than passive consumers. To also be globally mindful, informed, discerning users of ICT platforms and technological solutions. E-STEAM allows staff to implement inquiry, project / problem-based learning, building authentic future-focussed skills.

Students learn to recognise the power that they, as an individual, possess to enact change in the world. Students explore the possible future outcomes of potential actions, both positive and negative. Students investigate real-world scenarios where small changes at a local level could create big impacts at a global level (Think Global, Act Local). Students communicate with authentic audiences to develop empathy and understanding of human needs, and that communities succeed with diversity and tolerance.

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