Exploring Outer Space Series

Living On Mars

Living On Mars

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An Original Educational Series by Belouga & Bronwyn Joyce

Join Dr. Jim Green, Director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, as he discusses how NASA is preparing for human exploration of the Red Planet. Would you be brave enough to go?

About Bronwyn Joyce

Bronwyn is a motivated, enthusiastic education specialist and Internationally renowned guest speaker. With a vast array of experience in fostering a cohesive learning atmosphere while embracing emerging knowledge of effective teaching and learning theory, with an emphasis on the delivery of thorough and engaging education programs to students as well as the development and growth of strong school communities. Bronwyn consistently demonstrates effective leadership, planning, and delivery as a leading teacher at a regional level, and has taken on higher duties as Assistant Principal when needed. She leads education globally as a speaker, innovator, and manager of online teams, with extensive training, development, and responsibility within her current role as a Leadership Partner. Bronwyn is someone who leads by example while integrating modern instructional techniques through development and has a strong understanding of the 21st Century Learning Framework. In addition, Bronwyn has a strong entrepreneurial drive, utilizing digital platforms to mentor classroom teachers on an International scale. This passion has fuelled many world speaking tours to highlight the importance of preparing students to be ‘future ready’ something that aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Goals. Bronwyn believes we live in a world where we should be learning together. Her Global Classroom Education Network mission statement is simple – One World, One Classroom. Proud Moments: ✨A recipient of iEARN’s National and International Scholarships; these acknowledgments have seen Bronwyn present in Qatar and Argentina as well as Brazil, leading workshops in India, and implementing Global Projects with several schools in China ✨2020 World Literacy Summit Panelist alongside the BBC, Financial times representatives, and entrepreneur Samantha Sisa – Speaking on the effect traditional literacy has had on the digital world ✨Three-part webinar delivery for the curriculum areas of Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Responsibilities and Intercultural Understandings for the Australian Curriculum Association ✨Unit Leader, Literacy Advocate & Learning Specialist (Maths) at Liddiard Rd Primary School. Working at the school for over 17 years ✨2020 AKS Global Teacher Award WInner, one of only two Australians to receive this award. Together is better than doing it alone!

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