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An Original Educational Series by Belouga & Colleen Skiles
Subjects Covered: Earth Science, Social Studies, Geography
The number of continents in the world is a topic that has been debated for years by scientists, educators and environmentalists. But, what is the real answer to this? Come learn about the inner layers and history of continents and see if you can decide on what truly makes an area of land a continent.
About Colleen Skiles
Colleen Carter-Skiles is a Middle School Modern Language Teacher at Troy Middle School and Troy South Middle School in Troy R-3 School District (Tory, Missouri). Colleen attended Webster University where she earned BA’s in History/Political Science and Secondary Education (2002) as well as a MAT in Secondary Social Sciences (2007). In 2016 Colleen became a Google Certified Level 1 and Level 2, then in February 2017 Colleen achieved her goal of becoming a Google Certified Trainer. Following that Colleen earned badges for Apple iPad, MacBook and Swift Playgrounds to become an Apple Teacher. This summer she has joined the first ISTE Certification for Educators Cohort to work on integration of EdTech in the everyday classroom planning. Colleen enjoys sharing her experiences as a Middle Level/Global Education Educator and lifelong learner through her blog at or on twitter @cskiles80. Please join on weekly chats #moedchat and #edugladiator. . When not teaching or sharing her love of the Middle Level, Culture Understanding and EdTech, Colleen loves to spend time with her threenager, Carter, reading great novels, watching Supercross and camping with her husband, Les and dog, Miller.
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