A Solar Powered World Series

Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Deep Dive into this episode!

An Original Educational Series by Belouga & MPOWERD 

Subjects Covered: Language Arts, Social Studies, Physical Science

Regardless of where you are in the world, the sun plays a vital role in our survival. It is a massive star, made up of hot glowing gases, that lies at the center of our solar system. If the sun was as tall as a typical front door, the Earth would be the size of a U.S. nickel. This shows just how small our planet is compared to the vastness of the sun, which makes up 99.86% of the solar system. The sun travels at a speed of 220 km per second. At the core of the sun, the temperature is approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. Harnessing this tremendous force of energy for human use is a challenge, but it holds the potential for renewable energy. 

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